domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2019

Water on Canary Islands and Balearic Islands

CANARY ISLANDS: Due to climate and landscape there are not permanent rivers on the Canary Islands. But sometimes there are heavy rains or a tropical storm, then ravines are formed. But during much of the year it is dry.
BALEARIC ISLANDS: The landscape and climate of the Balearic Islands prevent the formation of permanent rivers. Torrents are fast-owing streams of water that occur when it rains heavily. They begin in steep mountains and are very erosive.Most of the torrents form in the Tramuntana Range. They usually only carry water when it rains.

ACTIVITIES: investigation (cómo influye el clima y el relieve en la hidrología de los archipiélagos - elige investigar sobre uno de los dos archipiélagos).

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